Larell and his grandmother Ann say they are so excited to come to Learning Connections every week for one-on-one sessions with community professionals trained in the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment method. Larell has struggled with distractibility and attention for completion of work assignments since beginning school. Now he wants to learn.
Learning Connections uses an evidence-based process of Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) that actively engages Larell with special questioning methods and specially designed materials to guide him to build the thinking skills he needs in all learning areas.
The program is located at the Positive Family Partners, Inc. office operated by Dr. Diane Koch and Dr. Pat Grosz. They are thankful to Mary Kendrick, Family Child Care Home provider for referring Larell. More students are welcome from grades 3rd to 8th from our neighborhoods.
Ann says: “Thank you Children’s Board for funding a program to help my grandson learn how to succeed.”
Read the original testimonial on Children’s Board Hillsborough County’s September 2024 Good News.