Programs & Services

Early Steps: Positive Family Partners provides early intervention services in natural environments of home, preschools, and community places for children, birth to 3 years, who have developmental disabilities or delays. We contract with two Early Steps regions, the Bay Area Early Steps (BAES) of the University of South Florida and the West Central Early Steps (WCES) of John Hopkins Medical Institute, All Children’s Hospital. Our team is comprised of 70% bilingual (English/Spanish) providers and we serve approximately 350 to 400 children and their families at any given time. Our team provides services in Hillsborough and Polk under the BAES contract and in Pinellas, Pasco, Citrus, and Hernando under the WCES contract. All providers are licensed early interventionists in psychology, mental health, or nursing, or are certified Infant Toddler Developmental Specialists (ITDS).

Infant Mental Health (IMH): Positive Family Partners provides:

  • IMH practicum training and reflective practice for providers in Early Steps across Hillsborough County and also to other community agencies that provide services to young children.
  • IMH supports and services for multiple Early Head Start centers.

ASO (Administrative Support Services): Positive Family Partners is an ASO provider for the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County, offering comprehensive mental health services and supports for children 3 to 8 years old and their families.

Healthy Steps/ Positive Development: Consultation supports are available upon request by trained Healthy Steps Specialists to pediatric practices. Healthy Steps provides enhanced pediatric services to optimize development and family functioning.

Mental Health: Positive Family Partners provides comprehensive mental health services for children and families. We specialize in trauma-informed, developmental and relationship-based services, including:

  • Child parent psychotherapy
  • Psychological evaluations for all ages
  • Circle of Security – Parenting
  • Parenting coordination
  • Therapeutic visitation
  • Child and family therapies
  • Couples therapy

We specialize in services for:

  • Developmental risk
  • Chronic illness
  • Foster care/dependency court
  • Early childhood court
  • Exposure to chronic trauma
This little client wants "Miss Pat" to come visit!
Cashew, 2, plays "in the microsphere" with a doll house